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TeamUp Partners: Prosper by Helping Others
Occasionally, a New Emerging Approach in the fascinating industry of “personal relationship marketing,” PRM) emerges that has the potential of catching the eyes of most care-minded participants.

TeamUp Partners is such an emerging approach. Headed up by a breakthrough innovator, Bill Goins who once again is joining forces with great team leaders to “do well by doing good.” Bill, along with great partners 25 years ago launched a company from Las Vegas, TeamUp International. That company introduced a theme of “Making a Good World, Better.” People loved the idea of “teaming up” for a noble cause built around marketing various superb products. Many lives were elevated by improving their health and creating a lot of income, plus just as important, they added many new friends in the process.

With their new company, Bill and his team leadres are in the beginning process of structuring a company where people prosper by benefiting others. They fully intend to create many new friendships. TeamUp Partners (TPI) is designed to lift people up by fulfilling the needs of their health and hearts as well as filling their bank accounts. TeamUp Partner’s will start here in the USA by concentrating on three distinct communities, people of the Appalachian Mountains, major inner-citys and rural communities of America. We will also work to launch a new group in Pakistan to fullfil our commitment to become an international company.We will accomplish this mission through family’ and friends that are in a struggle to provide basic income and health to their family and in the process spread it throughout their communities which will help establish a prosperous community.

Once established here in the USA we will then expand it globally. TPI will help establish a movement of like-minded souls to achieve basic income and health whether in the USA, Pakistan or any other country where we are attracting a team of like-minded leaders who are willing to “give a little now,” and “earn a little now” to later be “rewarded a lot.” It’s all tied to a universal feeling we all have. It’s that uniquely satisfying feeling we all experience when helping other humans. TPI is in the business of delivering those experiences. Whether by simply showing kindness, or by helping to carry whatever burden another person is carrying, we humans have a “need to give.” In fact, it is hard-wired in our souls. Giving creates prosperity when we do “good” for others. Our internal reward is simply to feel good about ourselves. And, when we feel good inside, amazing things happen. Plus, when we do “good together,” we exemplify what the acronym for TEAM stands for: Together, Everyone, Achieves, More! TeamUp adds Unlimited Potential. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if TEAM could be combined into a real global income stream by actually delivering “good” for others through our “In Search Of Freedom” Personal Growth program.

The Big Picture, TeamUp Partners is a wholly owned subsidiary of Innovative Marketing Inc. (IMI), a for profit company headquartered in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. IMI was created 25 years ago. One of the primary purposes of IMI is to focus on humanitarian pursuits that will have a global impact. To do this, IMI has created several independent initiatives all under the IMI umbrella.

Our goal is to promote a synergistic business hybrid of “local giving (of our time and effort) and global prospering.” (LGGP) The Team Naturally with such a huge endeavor will need to qualify a cadre of like-minded people. These individuals are those who want to experience a “new kind of venture.” This opportunity is a venture that is above and beyond simply chasing profits. This deals with appealing to an entrepreneur’s heart space even before fully outlining the long-term prosperity. Does this briefly describe yourself? If so, would you like to become a Partner in TeamUp Partners to help not only others in need but also personally make some extra income. The “needs” of the world are many. Each of us can do our part by becoming partners in an effort to help eliminate the needs of many desperate situations here in the USA and also around the world. We all have the “need to give.” It’s hard-wired in our human soul.

Wouldn’t it be great to not only give (of our time and effort) but earn enough to become a Good Smartian?